The Impact of Service Climate and Personality Traits on Customer-Oriented Behaviour of Employees
University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
Most companies in today's competitive and globalized business environment understand the importance of customer orientation. Customer orientation is mainly related to customer well-being. Research has shown that customer orientation leads to better financial performance and higher market share. The aim of this research has been to investigate the effect of service climate and personality traits on customer-oriented behavior. The standard questionnaire of Mechinda and Patterson (2011) has been used to measure the research variables. The population of the research consists of the employees of Ardabil Gas Company, which is equal to 161 subjects. Owing to the limited population, no sampling method was used and all employees were investigated. Data analysis was carried out using structural equation modeling and PLS software. The results showed that personality traits such as conscientiousness, agreeableness, extroversion and emotional stability, employees' perceived service climate, and job satisfaction have had a positive impact on customer-oriented behavior. Moreover, service climate had a mediating role in the relationship between personality traits and customer-oriented behavior.