Bibliometric Analysis of Artificial Intelligence in Services and Marketing: Identifying Research Perspectives
Institute of Higher Commercial Studies, University of Carthage, Victor Hugo Street, 2016 Carthage-Presidency, Tunis, Tunisia.
Haykel Tlili
Applied College, University of Ha’il, El Baqaa Road, P.O. Box 2240, Ha’il City, Saudi Arabia.
Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has become increasingly prevalent in service and marketing sectors, reshaping both practical applications and academic research in these fields. This study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis to explore AI within the contexts of service, marketing, and consumer acceptance. After refining the data set, 225 articles published between 2015 and July 5, 2024, were extracted from the Dimensions database using the keywords "artificial intelligence AND services AND marketing AND consumer acceptance OR AI." VOS viewer software was employed to create visualizations of key concepts, analyse keyword co-occurrence, map bibliographic coupling networks, and examine co-citation patterns by author, journal, and country. The analysis revealed three central themes: the breadth and humanization of AI technology, AI’s impact on business performance, and the factors shaping consumer acceptance of AI. The findings also highlight emerging gaps as AI continues to evolve, prompting a shift in scientific inquiry toward new perspectives and reconfiguring managerial implications.