Examining Factors Influencing the Online Repurchase Intention
Management Department, Economic and Business Faculty, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia
Tulus Suryanto
Faculty of Islamic Economic and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
The proliferation of information technology has significantly elevated the standards of commercial competition. The retail industry, specifically the online retail sector, has experienced significant negative impacts as a result of the exponential growth in online shopping. This study investigates the sustainability of online purchases by examining the various factors that impact individuals' intentions to repurchase items online. This research investigates the influence of e-service quality, e- satisfaction, and e-trust on online repurchase intention through the implementation of a two-step mediation model. The path coefficients were estimated by analysing the AMOS data using structural equation modelling. The study's findings indicate that there is a positive relationship between e-service quality and customer satisfaction, leading to the establishment of customer trust. This study examines the role of customer satisfaction as a mediator in the establishment of e-trust through the utilisation of enhanced e-service quality (e-SQ). In a similar vein, the level of customer satisfaction has been found to have a significant impact on the intention of customers to repurchase products or services online. This relationship is further influenced by the presence of e-trust, which acts as a mediator. Business enterprises must adopt diverse strategies to effectively entice prospective customers to engage in online shopping, with the ultimate goal of improving their e-service quality (e-SQ), fostering e-trust, and ultimately achieving customer satisfaction. Maintaining the quality of service, product range, design, and branding is of utmost importance for online retailers. Enhancing customer trust in the seller can be accomplished through the provision of comprehensive seller information and historical data. The present investigation is carried out within the framework of the Indonesian economy, and additional research in diverse socio-economic contexts is imperative to ascertain its applicability.