Transnational Marketing Journal Editorial Editorial: Transnational Marketing Ibrahim Sirkeci PDF Articles The role of (foreign?) culture on consumer buying behaviour: What changes when living abroad? Jessica Lichy PDF Runway logic: "Y" Generation Y prefer fashion brand over country-of-origin Nathalia C. Tjandra PDF Effect of colour and relative product size (RPS) on consumer attitudes Varsha Jain PDF CASE STUDY Utilizing the VFBOP model for entry into emerging markets: Grameen Danone Foods Robert L. Williams, Jr. PDF CASE STUDY The new territorial orientation of a transnational company: Italian pasta Silvia Dessì PDF Login Register Make A Submission Keywords marketingCOVID-19brandingMarketingconsumer behaviourIndiaCovid-19Coronavirusrefugeesconsumersblockchaincustomer-orientationGeneration Yretailsocial mediaEmerging marketsdiasporaidentitySMEbrandUAESMSfoodMexico