The Importance of Selected Tools of the Marketing Communication on the Irrationality of Purchasing Behaviour


  • David Vrtana Department of Economics, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, University of Zilina, 010 15 Zilina, Slovakia
  • Anna Krizanova Department of Economics, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, University of Zilina, 010 15 Zilina, Slovakia


: Irrationality, Marketing Communication, Tools of Communication, Advertising


In the context of contemporary economic theories, the issue of irrationality in purchasing behaviour gains prominence. This research aims to discern the irrational elements within the purchasing habits of Slovak consumers, focusing on socioeconomic determinants like age and average monthly income. Notably, for consumers with lower incomes, discounts wield a substantial influence over their purchasing decisions. Conversely, individuals earning more than EUR 855 per month prioritize product quality and availability when making purchasing choices. Consumer decision-making centres on the perception of a product's value relative to its cost. Consumers tend to assess the benefits of a product until they confront the price, which may trigger a shift in their purchase intent, thus accentuating the role of irrationality in purchasing behaviour. Interestingly, our findings indicate that offering gifts as a purchase incentive does not significantly impact purchasing behaviour. This research holds significance in elucidating the pivotal marketing communication factors that underpin irrational purchasing behaviour.


