Role of Personality Traits and E-WoM in Motivation and Intention of Travel for Leisure and Adventure
Intention to Travel, Amotivation, Personality Traits, Neuroticism, Openness to Experience, ExtraversionAbstract
The objective of this study was to examine the influence of personality traits and electronic word-of-mouth (E-WOM) on the determination of motivation and intention to engage in leisure and adventure travel. In order to achieve the intended objective, the present study examined personality traits including extraversion, openness to experience, and neuroticism, and investigated their association with the inclination to engage in leisure or adventure travel. Furthermore, the study also examined the impact of electronic word-of-mouth (E-WOM) on the intention to travel. In order to fulfil the aims of the research, data was gathered from a sample of 234 individuals who embarked on trips to various tourist destinations throughout the summer period spanning from June 2023 to August 2023.The data that was gathered was subjected to structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis using the software programme AMOS. The findings of the study indicated a statistically significant inverse association between motivation and the inclination to engage in leisure or adventure travel. Furthermore, there was a negative correlation observed between openness to experience and the inclination to engage in leisure or adventure travel. The study did not find any significant predictive relationship between extraversion and neuroticism and amotivation. In addition to this, the study also examined the mediating role of motivation. Electronic word-of-mouth (E-WOM) was identified as a significant and positive predictor of individuals' intention to engage in leisure and adventure travel. This study makes a noteworthy contribution to the existing body of literature by addressing the limited exploration of motivation within the domain of travel and tourism. Furthermore, the examination of the impact of personality traits on motivation has not been previously investigated, thus rendering the outcomes of this study both innovative and significant in terms of advancing the existing scholarly discourse.